Discover INGENIOUS Beauty Collagen Supplements With Brand Co-Founder, Pupinder Ghatora

INGENIOUS Beauty Collagen Supplements

Join us today as we talk to Pupinder Ghatora, an award-winning pharmacist and co-founder of the collagen-based supplement brand, INGENIOUS Beauty. Learn all about the importance of collagen and what sets INGENIOUS Beauty apart from other collagen supplements. Also, you can enjoy a gift of Ultimate Collagen (15 days), worth £27.50, when you buy two INGENIOUS Beauty products. *

Collagen is vital in maintaining a healthy body – it helps you to not only feel good on the inside but look great on the outside, too. When your collagen levels are high, you can expect to have supple, soft skin, lustrous hair, and strong nails. Discover whether INGENIOUS Beauty could offer the best collagen supplement for you in today's post. 

First, What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a structural protein that’s found in various tissues throughout your body. It’s the most abundant protein that you have, making up a significant portion of your body’s connective tissues. As such, it plays a really important role in providing structure and strength to the various parts of your body – including your skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, and cartilage.

After the age of 25, you naturally begin to lose 1.5% of your collagen every year.

Why Do You Need Collagen?

When this happens, you’ll notice loss of volume and elasticity in your skin, and the early signs of ageing begin to appear. Without supplementation, your collagen levels will naturally continue to deplete, leading to more loss of volume, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. During the menopause, your collagen level depletion increases quite significantly – and without supplementation at this stage, you can experience a 30% decrease of collagen in your skin in just five years after menopause.

With that in mind let's begin our chat with Pupinder and learn how we can keep our skin (and hair, and nails) in optimal health using INGENIOUS Beauty collagen supplements. 


INGENIOUS Beauty Collagen Supplements Full Range

Could you tell us about your background in the industry and how you came to found INGENIOUS Beauty?

"I am a multi-award-winning pharmacist with over 25 years of experience in the sector." Pupinder says. "I used to own a few pharmacy stores and was headhunted by large pharma companies to consult on product and training development for community pharmacists. On one of these roles, I met David Hyland, a fellow consultant with a specialism in human biochemistry."

Pupinder explains that David shared a paper on joint health and the effects of collagen done by Harvard University (this was about 20 years ago) - they were both intrigued and decided to develop a product to help people with joint disease.

They produced a collagen-based supplement and carried out an anecdotal trial with about 15 of Pupinder's pharmacy patients. They produced a basic questionnaire and collated the feedback after three months. "The results were promising," Pupinder says, "some patients reported less painkiller use and also stated their knees felt ‘spongy’, so all positive signs.  All of them however stated they were having side effects, David and I thought we have to stop development and forget about this path.  That was until we were told what the side effects were."

The side effects the patients reported were:

  • Hair growing faster than normal.
  • Nails becoming stronger.
  • Skin feeling softer and smoother.

Pupinder and David explained that these were not side effects, but additional benefits from using their product (which was actually an inferior product not using their current formulation or delivery technology).

"Unfortunately, the barriers to market entry for producing a medical pharma product were too much for us, so we decided to look at the aesthetic market and that is how INGENIOUS was born." Pupinder says. "We then spent 20 plus years researching and testing to ensure we produced cosmeceuticals that actually worked and were the absolute best thing you could put into your body."

What’s one thing about INGENIOUS Beauty that our customers should know?

"We are the first clinically proven collagen wellness supplement. What we claim is what our products do." Pupidner says. "Our ethos is to produce products that will enhance the wellbeing of our clients. We do not compromise on any aspect of our products, be it production through to packaging."


INGENIOUS Beauty Collagen Supplements - Interview with Co-Founder, Pupinder

Can you tell us more about how the raw materials used in INGENIOUS Beauty products are sourced?

"We have a no compromise approach to all our ingredients," Pupinder says, "I will tell you about three of the main ones we use."

Marine Collagen Peptides
The Marine Collagen Peptides are sourced from free swimming tilapia fish from a natural lake that is supplied by fresh water from local mountains in Vietnam. Specifically produced for collagen, and not as a food, the skin and scales are harvested and then transported to France for a process called hydrolysation.

Pupinder explains that the fish source country often changes depending on where the fish are, and to increase sustainability by preventing overfishing.

"The flesh of the fish are actually a byproduct of the collagen production process," Pupinder says, "this is not the case with many other collagen sources, especially so when looking at the bovine collagen market, the collagen is extracted as a waste product from all the elements that should not be consumed."

Natural Astaxanthin
This super antioxidant is 6000 times more potent than vitamin C in mopping up oxygen free radicals. "The reason this is so important is that when any new cell is produced (a highly reactive and energy absorbing process) it is highly likely a very reactive oxygen species will be produced as a by-product." Pupinder explains. "This oxygen free radical can react with the DNA of the newly produced cell and mutate it such that it has an inferior quality. It is therefore important to have a way of clearing these and making them inert, so they do not harm the quality of the new cells being produced."

Pupider went on to explain that this is where natural astaxanthin comes in. The bright red substance is sourced from the stunning archipelago in Sweden where there is special algae present. "If you UV stress this plant, it turns a bright red colour." Pupinder says. "This is natural astaxanthin and the algae produce this as a UV protective mechanism. In fact, natural astaxanthin also has a UV repair and protective effect at a cellular level, quite incredible."

Pupinder says: "The algae is harvested once and then put into what is known as a closed loop system, this means you are not over harvesting the algae from the archipelago. The factory then keeps producing the algae in their system and harvest the astaxanthin. The reason we use this particular source is because the heat produced by this factory supplies heat to the local village and means this process is better than a net zero approach."

Hyaluronic Acid Complex 
"Natures super sponge, one Hyaluronic Acid (HA) molecule can hold 1000 times its own weight in water." Pupinder explains. "The industry standard is to use one length of HA, we however use a complex that uses various lengths of HA that is more akin to the physiology of the skin. This makes it 20% more effective at moisturising your skin than the industry standard. Again, we do not compromise on the quality of our active ingredients."

What is the most important thing to you when creating collagen supplements? 

"For us it is safety and efficacy." Pupinder says. "We do not use any excipients (or as I call them, anti-nutrients) in any of our products as these are added to reduce production costs. As a result of this, our products are semi hand filled in a pharma grade plant in a positive pressure room so there is absolutely no risk of contamination."

Pupinder explains that INGENIOUS Beauty will also only use actives that have been independently clinically proven, so they can be assured of their efficacy. "We go a step further," Pupinder says, "we have had our specific formulation independently clinically proven and will follow this process for all of our products moving forward."


INGENIOUS Beauty Collagen Supplements Packaging And Pills

It's currently Hair Month at FTF HQ! How can we use INGENIOUS Beauty products to help us achieve and maintain healthy hair? 

"By improving the health of the skin, you also can increase the health of the hair follicle. This in turn will improve the health of the hair." Pupinder says. "You must remember, consistency and patience are key.  You must take our products regularly and be patient for the results, they will come but they can take time."

We love to know more about the people behind our favourite brands. Can you tell us something about INGENIOUS and the team that we won’t have heard about before? 

"David and I are both keen martial artists," Pupinder says. "David is a first Dan in Aikido. I have been a Krav Maga practitioner for about 15 years and have recently started kickboxing! We also do charity work behind the scenes - I helped to set up the first homeless hot feed clothing supply in Oxford. We also donated to help set up a kickboxing club in Wantage. Most of our team love exercising, so you can be assured there will be some zoom meetings with some us in sports gear!"

Lastly, can you give us a sneak preview of what’s coming next for INGENIOUS Beauty?

"We have some very exciting projects in the pipeline, unfortunately these are confidential, but you be assured that they will be worth waiting for." Pupinder says. "Please do join the INGENIOUS journey, we will always be here to support you in becoming the best version of yourself."

Thank you so much to Pupinder for talking to us today. Don't forget that you can get a complimentary gift of Ultimate Collagen (15 days), worth £27.50, when you buy two INGENIOUS Beauty products.* Shop the range below and discover the transformative effects of these collagen supplements. 

Shop INGENIOUS Beauty Collagen Supplements

Sold out
INGENIOUS Active 100 CapsulesINGENIOUS Active 100 Capsules
INGENIOUS Active 100 Capsules

Increase power and performance during exercise whilst taking care of your skin’s health with the new and improved Ingenious Active.

INGENIOUS Beauty Ultimate Collagen Second Generation 90 Capsules PouchINGENIOUS Beauty Ultimate Collagen+ Second Generation 90 Capsules Pouch
INGENIOUS Beauty Ultimate Collagen+ Second Generation 90 Capsules Pouch

This clinically proven collagen supplement is formulated with ground-breaking technology including an advanced triple active formula that works from within to transform the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

Sold out
INGENIOUS Beauty Ultimate Collagen+ Second Generation 90 CapsulesINGENIOUS Beauty Ultimate Collagen+ Second Generation 90 Capsules
INGENIOUS Beauty Ultimate Collagen+ Second Generation 90 Capsules

This clinically proven collagen supplement is formulated with ground-breaking technology including an advanced triple active formula that works from within to transform the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

INGENIOUS Beauty Vegan 90 CapsulesINGENIOUS Beauty Vegan 90 Capsules
INGENIOUS Beauty Vegan 90 Capsules

This highly advanced vegan formula works from within to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and keep hair and nails looking healthy.


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*T&C's apply. Limited time only.